Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Music Influences Memory Essay

I lay in my bed listening to the endless stream of music coming through my headphones. My iTunes is on shuffle, some songs I skip but most of them I let play without interference. Zoning out only enough to let my mind wonder, I relax and take in the sounds surrounding me. I feel restful, at piece. A brief moment of silence from the time one song ends and another begins. I hear the first five notes on a piano — instantly, I have a lump in my throat, my heart quickens, and my eyes begin to sting. â€Å"Through the Years† by Kenny Rogers has just come on. After fifteen seconds of a piano introduction, Rogers’ soothing voice starts in, â€Å"I can’t remember when you weren’t there†¦ I am reminded of my family. I am taken back to a time when all my grandparents were still alive and well. My father’s mother’s face comes into view, she has been gone twelve years but I can almost feel her presence. I think of the love my family and I have for each other. I think of my sister. My cheeks and ears begin to feel warm. The air I’m breathing suddenly becomes thick, my vision is blurred by the water filling my eyes. The chorus begins, â€Å"Through the years†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My eyes overflow and tears silently fall down my face. After the second chorus the song builds on itself, it rises and keeps on rising. The tension is broken by Rogers’ voice full of love and sincerity at the bridge. I have graduated from softly crying to full on sobbing. My face, my ears, my neck and my pillow are wet with tears. What I am crying about, I am not entirely certain of. What I am certain of, however, is that this wave of emotion that I am drowning in was induced solely by this song. Now in the fetal position, cuddling the blanket and bear that I have had since I was born, I gasp and choke a deep breath in and cough it out as I sob. â€Å"As long as it’s okay / I’ll stay with you / Through the years† The song ends, and after a short while I return to the restful state I was in prior to my breakdown, noticeably more tired. All of this because of a song. This experience and countless others like it (varying in memories and emotions) that made me wonder about the power of music. We have all been influenced by music at one point in our lives; oose bumps, shivers, hair standing on end, tears, dancing, tapping to the beat. Music is all around us, and it is there no matter where you go; it transcends borders and cultures, it is the one universal thing that does. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said it best: â€Å"Music is the universal language of mankind. † Music has the ability to elicit emotions and trigger memories of our past, transporting us to a specific moment or time in our lives. Music can help us cope, the proof of this is in the success of break-up songs. We rely on music. But, what is it about music that makes it so powerful? How is it able to influence us the way it does? Studying music from a scientific approach is relatively new practice, especially music and its effects on the brain. Thanks to advances in neuroscience such a study is made possible. Neuroscientists use fMRI and PET scans to study the brain and what music does to it. When we listen to music different parts of our brain are stimulated. What scientists have learned is that music activates more areas of the brain than anything else. Elena Mannes, author of the book The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song, identifies some of parts and functions of the brain that are used to process music: †¦the auditory cortex (first stage in the listening process, perception and analysis of tones), the motor cortex (foot tapping, playing an instrument), the prefrontal cortex (the creation of expectations triggered by musical patterns and the violation of patterns/expectations), the sensory cortex (tactile feedback, as in playing an instrument), the visual cortex (reading music), the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala (emotional reactions), the hippocampus (memory for music), the cerebellum (also movement and emotional reactions). (Mannes, 32). When we listen to music our brain is actually extracting something from the music and making sense of it. Some scientists believe that this could contribute to our brain’s ability to remember songs so well. (Kunz). An intriguing aspect of music and how we relate to it is our seemingly instinctual ability to analyze a piece of music. Daniel Levitin, a neuroscientist at McGill University, discusses in his book, This Is Your Brain On Music: The Science of a Human Obsession, how our brain perceives and understands music. When we start out we have thousands of neurons in our brains that are completely free, not tied down or associated to anything. However, as we grow and learn, these neurons are shaped by experience and make connections. Through our experiences our brains learn the rules of whatever music we are exposed to. For example, we have songs that we recognize as happy or sad, even if it is only an instrumental piece. We are able to recognize the mood or feeling of a song from its elements; in Western society we tend to associate a fast tempo with energy and spiritedness and a slow tempo with sadness. These associations, or connections, are learned from our experiences. (Levitin, 87-89). There are a variety of different factors that contribute to our physical and emotional reactions to music. Music often mirrors the natural world and picks up on cues that are prevalent in human behavior. Expectations not fulfilled, surprise, when something happens not as planned, often in life these are what elicit our strongest emotions. Composers employ structural devices that imitate these real-life occurrences and thereby prompt a reaction from the listener. An easily relatable physical reaction to music is called frisson, or more commonly referred to as goose bumps or shivers down one’s spine. These reactions can and are most commonly achieved through the use of an enharmonic change. A simple example (in simple terms, the following chords and notes do not actually exist) of an enharmonic change is when chord(x) is played and harmonizes melody note(a), (this chord is often played again at least once, if not more) then chord(y) is played and re-harmonizes melody note(a), so it is the same but different. The composer creates an expectation and then those expectations are not carried out and that elicits a reaction from the listener (Mannes, 283). A myriad of elements contribute to the influencing power music has over our emotions. Two of the main reasons people listen to music is for emotional impact and regulation (Chanda and Levitin, 180). Music can provide us with a wide range of feelings, such as happiness, sadness, excitement and tranquility Music is also known to produce feelings of euphoria, and what some even describe as a high. Scientists have discovered the reason for this so-called high: the areas in the brain that are activated by drugs or during sex are also activated by listening to music that we enjoy. Listening to pleasurable music activates the production of neurochemicals. The most recognizable chemical that is produced is dopamine, the feel-good hormone, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation. Prolactin, the comfort or satisfaction hormone, normally associated with mothers breastfeeding their infant, is also produced. The third chemical produced is oxytocin, the cuddle or trust hormone commonly associated with sex and bonding with other people. The production of these hormones explain the â€Å"euphoric† feeling people sometimes experience when listening to music. These hormones also influence our mood and perception (Chanda and Levitin180; Mannes, 35). Another factor that contributes to our emotional response to music is our emotional connection to a song. Often times, memories that we associate with a particular song that we heard in a particular time in our lives are triggered when we hear that song. Researchers have found that there is a significant difference in brain activity when we hear a song that we have emotional connections to. A potential and simple explanation for this is that we are not only processing the music but we are also recalling past events. Memories are stored as proteins in different parts of our brains, when memories are triggered, different parts of the brain are put into action to recall those memories. Both functions (processing music and remembering) use a large portion of our brain on their own, combine the two and that is a lot of brain activity (Kunz). Memories triggered by music are often times much more powerful than when triggered simply by thought. For example, a friend might say, â€Å"Do you remember when†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and we reminisce with our friend about a time or an event of past. We may laugh, or feel a sentimental twinge of longing, but usually, not more than that. When a memory is triggered by a song, however, we are somehow transported back in time and are able to experience the feelings we had at that time. There has been speculation for why our memories are much more vivid when triggered by music. Some have theorized that because our brain has already done the work of processing a particular piece of music, we recognize that we have done it before. The recognition of that precise action manifests itself through our feelings. For example, when I hear the song â€Å"Crazy† by Gnarls Barkley, I am immediately taken back to the summer of 2006. I am instantly overcome with a feeling that I can only describe as being the feeling I felt the summer I was sixteen. It’s a happy feeling; a feeling of freedom mixed with confusion and carelessness. My senses are activated; I am able to smell the salt air from the beach, I can taste the Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea that I perpetually consumed, I am almost able to feel my jean shorts around my legs, I even have a clear vision of Highway 33 from the passenger’s seat of mine and my sister’s car as we make our way to the beach, the scene before me shaded by the sunglasses I wore. When a memory is triggered by one of the senses, the other senses are triggered as well. Our senses dictate what we perceive, and therefore, influence how we feel. At that time in my life when my brain was processing that song, it was also processing all of my other senses, all of these elements combined and gave me a very specific feeling. So now when I hear that song, my brain processes it and says something like, Oh, I have done this before, this is the result. It can be likened to muscle memory (Kunz). Intrigued by the power music has, I interviewed Matthew J. Kunz, a researcher currently exploring potential methods to treat patients suffering from neurological injuries and illnesses. One medium of particular interest to him is forms of music therapy. It has been proven that music engages and even enhances motor and auditory skills. Music could potentially serve as a form of physical therapy after an injury or an illness that has impaired an individual’s motor skills. A great example of this is Parkinson’s disease. Humans are instinctively able to march or walk to a beat. By providing someone with a rhythm track their actions, e. g. walking, could be improved if accompanied by music (Kunz). Another neurological illness that is being treated by music is Alzheimer’s disease. However severe a dementia is, even if the patient has lost language, they almost never seem to lose the memory or ability to respond to music. Not only can it assist in the recalling of memories but it can also strengthen areas of the brain. Some music therapists have the patient learn and play music. Somehow, the ability to do this stays in their brain, once the song is in there (their brain) it stays. Through learning and playing music the patient exercises their brain, and as a result, functions of the brain, like motor skills, are improved. Even severely demented patients will recognize old songs and be delighted by them. Kunz confesses, â€Å"If nothing else, the patients are able to experience joy. Even if that’s the only thing it gave them, it would be worth the work that is being done now. † Kunz’s heart is in the right place regardless of the outcome of the research, however, studies have already shown the positive benefits of the diverse forms of musical therapy (Kunz). Whether we want to feel rapture and be delighted by something, or shed a few tears, if we are in need of therapy, or simply want to break the silence, music is there for us. The power music holds is so strong that we depend on it and integrate it to nearly every aspect of our lives. Ill, or injured, or completely well, music is therapeutic to us all; it can bring groups of people together or provide a sense of company when one is alone. It makes our highest highs higher and our lowest lows lower, but that is the magic and power of music. I am certain that our existence and experience as human beings would be far less than what it is if it were not for music.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Social and Legal Aspects of Homosexuality in Hong Kong

The social and legal aspects of homosexuality in Hong Kong In 1988, there was an intense argument on whether to legalize homosexuality. Different groups expressed their views on public discussion hold in Victoria Park. A group of homosexual men declared that they have the same contribution to the society as others. The existed law infringes on their human right. On the other hand, Dr. Philemon Choi who opposed decriminalization was afraid of the impacts of decriminalization such as the increase of male prostitution although he agreed to lower the penalties.Besides, the Law Reform Commission had also discussed on this topic for 8 years but the progress was very slow. The main consideration was that homosexuality was not about legal issues but morality; therefore, the commission suggested loosening the law. However, it did not mean the Acceptance of homosexuality. Many people still thought some criminal offences were related to homosexuality and it was against the morality. Moreover, D espite the relation between Hong Kong and Britain, the liberation movement of homosexual laws was restricted because of the International Covenant.One of the options from consultation paper from LRC was maintaining the existed law. It argued that it was a waste for the police to put so much focus on homosexuality instead of other more serious cases. What I think is totally different from the essay since there is about 20 years culture gap. People now are open-minded and more willing to accept others. The discrimination is less common in the modern society, and I hope all the people will accept homosexuality. REF: Louis Lee. â€Å"The social and legal aspects of homosexuality in Hong Kong† The HKU scholar Hub, (1988) 117-122,web. 9 Apr 2013

Monday, July 29, 2019

Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Equality - Essay Example One account of egalitarian justice proponents argues that equality is concerned with ensuring that a society receives equal shares of resources (Kaufman, 1). Analyzing this argument provides a contra view. For example; a person with a large body is not treated equally when given the same amount of food with a person with a much smaller body. This is becauise persons will vary in transforming the foods into their well being. Equality cannot therefore mean giving the same portions of resources to two unequal people, because that would be discriminating against one of them depending on the ability to transform the resources. Felipe and Lustig (33) argue that there is a need to invest more in education of the unskilled laborers by giving the unskilled worker higher wages that would make them to invest in education thus reducing the un equality in education that results to inequality in income. This might not lead to equality in that those with skilled labor would be still earning the same or more as the unskilled people seek education to bridge the gap. At the end of the day, the skilled workers will have higher education and be more skilled, which will translate to more earnings. This can therefore not lead to equality, but the gap between the two still persists. Ruxton (163) explains that inequality in gender between men and women results to poverty in the society and other factors. Therefore, according to Ruxton, gender equality can be prevented through making rural women more financially independent. This would imply that two people of opposite genders having the same level of wealth are equal. The problem with this argument as Ruxton (164) further elaborates is that the difference between the genders is mostly cultivated at the cultural level and no amount of wealth can delete these gender stereotypes. Therefore, this would not result to equality, since it is a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Islamism and Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Islamism and Terrorism - Essay Example This paper seeks to refute this controversial claim by supporting that Muslims are not terrorists. Undeniably, there have been extreme cases of terror attacks in different parts of the world. Most of these terrorist attacks, if not all, have been associated to Islam. Islamic terror group referred to as al-Qaida supposedly did the infamous September 11 attack. However, controversy theories have refuted these claims and posited that the September 11 attacks were conducted out of the realms of Islam. Terrorism refers to acts of violence or otherwise that are meant to pressurize a ruling regime to act in favor of the terror instigators. Although the definition of terrorism varies widely, it can be generally agreed that terrorism has a political orientation. Most of the terrorist attacks that have happened in recent times have been directed towards political leadership regimes. Terrorism may be a physical act such as the September 11 attack or it may be non-physical such as cyber terroris m. Largely, physical terrorism has been associated with radical Islamism. Whenever there is a potential terror threat, Muslims are always the first prime suspects. Actually, a large number of Muslims have been questioned or detained in various parts of the world as being suspects of terror. On the other hand, the Muslim community has heavily contested involvement in terror activities claiming that it is in fact against their religious beliefs. According to the Muslim community, Allah is against killing of innocent people. Indeed, â€Å"Terrorizing innocent people is not acceptable in Islam, it is totally against the religion† (Abdullah, 2007). More notably, the jihad is also not holy although it is justified. They believe that the world is supposed to live in peace and harmony despite the differences in religious affiliations. Muslims contest that most terror instigators hide behind the curtains of Islamic religion to pursue their inhumane interests. Although they support mar tyrdom and jihad, they are solidly unified against terrorism. However, the characteristics of radical Islamism are quite similar to characteristics of terrorisms and perhaps the primary reason why the controversy over the relationship between Islam and terrorism exist so strongly. Therefore, differentiating between radical Islamism and Islamic terrorism becomes difficult. Despite the similarities between them, terrorism and radical Islamism are certainly different. Accordingly, radical Islamism is not democratic in nature and does not, in any way take advantage of political or democratic loopholes in the society to express their dissatisfaction. Instead, radical Islamism seeks to express their faith in religion by use of religious platforms and means. Their acts are religiously propelled and as such do not use terrorism as a means of communicating their dissatisfaction. This concludes us that neither Islam nor radical Islamism is synonymous to terrorism. Even the violent activities of radical Islamism do not count towards terrorism. The two oppositions on clarity of definition of the term terrorism make the issue complicated. However, there is overwhelming evidence supporting that Islam is indeed not synonymous with terrorism. More clearly, Islam is not associated with terrorism. According to leaders of North American Islamic organizations â€Å"As American Muslims and scholars of Islam, we wish to restate our conviction that peace and justice constitute the basic principles of the Muslim faith. We

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critical Thinking in the Classroom Management Bloom's Taxonomy as a Essay

Critical Thinking in the Classroom Management Bloom's Taxonomy as a Learning Tool - Essay Example (Athanassiou et al, 2003). In the context of learning new matters and finding out early benefits to be derived from it, it is necessary to organize the required operation into sequences, in order that this is laid out and gained in capabilities or derivation of information, and also evaluating the results repeatedly, so that they could be used effectively to measure results and make necessary needed corrections, if need be. The systematic instruction designs in terms of what the students need to know, or should be able to do, when the rendering of instructions are completed. The necessary links needs to be established between the mode of instruction and the perceived results that would be derived. It is seen that over the years, the fundamental model of systematic instruction design has changed over time, but the basic element of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate) remains intact. (Business Performance, 2008). In the first stage, the problem is defined in its proper context, and the areas in which it would be used are delineated. In the present study, it is seen that the main area of focus is correctly and cogently defined, in that this aspect would form the core of the undertaken work and would have an important bearing on the course of the proceedings. (Holland, 2005). The solution for the issues would have direct bearing on the scope of its definition and purpose: (Holland, 2005). Next, the ADDIE method analysis would be considered at later stage. It is seen that according to this Bloom classification, cognitive is the most simplest and result evaluation is the most difficult aspect. (Malachowski, 2002). Further, it could be said that the Addie Model mainly concerns itself with the following five aspects: 1. What are the main objectives that need to be achieved 2. What kind of skill sets, information systems and attitudes need to be developed and honed 3. The usage of resources and strategies 4. Structure of content of learning materials 5. Assessment of the evaluation and feedbacks that the learner's comprehension have met with the key objectives needed (Strickland, n.d.). The aspects of analysis in the context of this strategy could be seen in terms of the following: 1. How organizations and training program objectives could impact upon the classifications of the management of classroom and the use of learning tools for critical thinking. 2. Confirm regarding the operational efficacy of training to suit these requirements 3. Contextually, it is also necessary to speak out the administrative requirement of training. 4. Determine strategies for the shifting of learned skills into work processes 5. Preparation of a complete evaluation of project risks, assumptions and opportunities available. 6. Compile the significant factors of training vendors/trainers 7. Determine the target members, program entry and its requirements and the special requirements of participants and their special needs. 8. Assess extent of knowledge and training of participants a

Natural and houman life in Mono Lake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Natural and houman life in Mono Lake - Essay Example While many species find the lake unfavorable for life due to its high pH and alkalinity, the alkali flies find a lot of benefit in these conditions (Herbst1& Bradley1 670). The water of the lake provides a natural breeding ground to the flies much as it provides good ground for feeding as it is filled with different kinds of algae; blue and green (Herbst1& Bradley1 670). Many species of birds live around Mono Lake and many others travel from as far as South America and take time to rest and rejuvenate on as they migrate from different places. The birds mostly find the Mono Lake a suitable ground for breeding as there is plentiful supply of food in the form of alkali flies and brine shrimps, especially between mid summer and fall (Cash & Bradley 312). It is estimated that over 100 bird species in totaling millions grace the Mono lake area at different times of the year (Mono Basin Ecosystem Study Committee of the National Research Council 46). It is estimated that more than 44,000 California Gulls find breeding ground around the lake in spring every year (Mono Basin Ecosystem Study Committee of the National Research Council 46). Some of the birds that are found in the wider Mono Lake region include red-necked phalaropes, flamingoes, egrets, Wilsons phalaropes, horned lark , bank swallow, dusky flycatcher, stellers jay, scrub jay and eared grebes, to name but a few. While the population of water fowls such as ducks was high in the lake several decades ago, this is no longer the case. The ducks, Gadwalls, Geese, Mallards,and Green-winged Teals have almost disappeared over the years as a consequence of the diversion of the river that flowed into the lake in 1941. Humans have lived in the Mono Lake region for a long time. The Kutzadikaa people find benefit from the lake in that they normally hunt alkali flies for food during winter periods as noted by Herbst and Bradley (193). For the different bird species and the tufa mounds that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Can video surveillance protect us from terror Essay

Can video surveillance protect us from terror - Essay Example They have variable social structures within the society, which needs to be maintained well to ensure no disparity occurs, that can trigger off unsocial behaviour. It has today become pertinent that the society takes care of its people and ensures a safe and secure habitat for them. Society Today With the modernization and advancement of technology, society has undergone a dramatic change (Volti, 2005). It no longer is a domicile, safe and secure place for people. It is said that power brings with it tremendous responsibility, but we are not fulfilling our end of the responsibilities. Today there has been a change in the world due to much technological advancement, all achieved by humans towards the betterment of the society and standards of living .However, not all of the inventions and discoveries have had a positive impact on the world, the glaring examples would be nuclear weapons, satellites and modern weaponry. These have brought in a craze for power within the world leaders and no one wants to take a back step when it comes to flashing their ingenuity. The other major social problems faced globally are – unemployment, economical misbalance, lack of proper education, violence and drugs. Social issues like these cause an imbalance in the smooth functioning of the society as a whole. However, on a positive note, everyone in the society are seen to make conscious efforts to bring about changes and try to eradicate these issues at the earliest. Society and Security Tremendous technological advancement on one hand opened up a world of opportunities for individuals, businesses and even Governments, while on the other hand, ushered in the concern for safety and security in the society (Wood & Dupont, 2006). There are tools and techniques made available to disrupt the normal functioning of the society. Hence, it has been globally accepted that security plays an unprecedented role in the well being and upkeep of the society. Implementing good security system s takes time, money and individual discipline. Security today needs to be a collaborative effort by the industries, businesses, governments and individual citizens. Society exists at all due to the basic human requirement for security and safety. With modernization, the security aspect of society has grown complex and dynamic as well (Rusteikiene, 2008).Globalization and interdependence have to an extent affected the foundations of society, making it more vulnerable and security an integral part of the society. It is believed that security strategies should be made pliable rather than hardened rules and should be made such that society can absorb and respond to attacks rather than collapse on a whole. Aspects of Security The concept of security in layman terms would be providing protection and safety to human beings, infrastructures, businesses and anything that is of great value and importance. In most instances it has been observed that the actual security measures provided are fa r less effective than how it is perceived to be. For e.g. we have all modern equipments to detect earthquakes, however it has been observed that in most cases it occurs suddenly , where we are unable to prevent a natural calamity and its consequences. Today we can categorise security types to be of the following: Information Technology, monetary aspects, political sphere and all other public domains like the airports, hospitals, and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analysis of the Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Analysis of the Business Environment - Essay Example The daring steps in the formulation of the monetary policy have been taken in order to contain the deflation in the country. Despite the continuous efforts of the government the yield of the bonds issued by the government of Japan has remained more or less static and low. On the other hand the net public debt of the economy of Japan is as high as 134 % of the GDP. This is one of the highest levels of public debt out of the advanced economies of the world. In such a situation the Abenomics policies of 2013 to bring about a surge in the growth rate of the country and to bring about inflation in the country is considered to be having a lot of uncertainty and is dependent on the proper implementation of the strategies. This report is an analysis of the key measures under the policies, the main objectives as well as the long term implications of the policy. Scholarly resources have been consulted extensively in order to conduct the research and to draw appropriate inferences. Discussion B ackground of the Japanese economy In the post world war period Japan experienced spectacular growth of the economy. During the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the average rate of the economy had been 10%, 5% and 4% respectively. The country moved to being one of the advanced economies. However, Japan witnessed a burst in the assets bubble in the early 1990s. There was an economic slowdown which resulted in a high level of unemployment in the country. Adding to this there was a huge amount of deficit in the budget which occurred due to the ventures of the government to finance the projects related to public works in the country. However the stagnation in the economy could in no way be stimulated by the different infrastructure projects. In order to battle such an economic situation the Japanese government took policy measures that would take out the speculative part of the surplus liquidity from the stock markets as well as the real estate markets. These policies led the country into a phase of intensive deflation during the phase of 1990 to 2004 (Arslanalp and Lam, 2013, pp. 12-16). Due to the policies the economy recovered once again but the deflation still persisted. At the time of the financial crisis which had hit almost all the countries of the world, Japan experienced a loss in the level of GDP by 0.7% in the year 2008 and about 5.2% in the year 2009. On the other hand the growth rate of GDP of the country was negative in 2009. The volume of international trade in the country also suffered a decline of 27%. Key policies under Abenomics The policies under Abenomics comprise of mainly three strategies which are better known as the â€Å"three arrows† (Itoh, 2013, pp. 2-3). The three pillars are Bold monetary policy Flexibility in the Fiscal Policy Strategy to induce growth The Prime Minister intended to take a bold monetary policy through the introduction of quantitative easing as well as increasing the level of spending on the public expenditure along with the attempt to devalue yen. The Bank of Japan intended to undertake a strategy of Quantitative Easing through this policy. The bank would be buying assets from the open market worth $ 1.4 trillion so that the money

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Risk incidence occurrence solution Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk incidence occurrence solution - Article Example Inadequate flow of information is one of the major incidences that pose a major risk in the provision of quality health care.Inadequate information flow impairs reliable and timely communication of important test results, hinders coordination of treatment or medication orders at points of transfer of care, and impedes the availability of critical information or data when required to influence the physician’s prescription decisions.In addition, poor information flow may result in improper patient identification, inadequate control and organization of the workforce, and improper documentation.Information flow is important in any health care facility because it ensure smooth communication between different departments and between patients and service providers. Lack of adequate information flow may result in numerous medical errors that may jeopardize the provision of quality health care. As such, there should be an appropriate system design that would ensure optimal and smooth f low of information between persons and departments within the health care institution.Solution In order to reduce medical error as a result of inadequate flow of information, the best solution is to develop an anonymous database that de-identifies datasets of identifiable health data and altering or removing specific elements of given information.In addition, anonymous database is aimed at enhancing information security ... The anonymous database system, which is based on administration database and reporting system, ensures successful daily management of data reviews, collection and coding. The web management tool deals with complex tasks of directing data, communicating work assignments and tracking each report or relayed information. The follow up process for private and confidential information is guided by a browser based data collection screens that provide for direct data entry and direct data collection (Hoffer &McFadden, 2002). Breakdown of responsibility The overall head of information system and database management will be the information systems manager. Although the information systems and database management policies will be developed by the top management of the health care institution, the operation policies and criteria for running the system will be conducted by the information system manager. The information system and database management will be controlled by the information manageme nt department (Bommel,2005). The information systems department will coordinate the communication of critical information between different departments. The main departments of the health care institutions are the finance department, sales and marketing department, procurement department, security department, pharmacy, healthcare management department, and the top management. All information will pass through the information systems department to ensure that they are stored securely in the database and adhere to HIPAA (The health insurance portability and accountability act).All members of staff in the information management department will have access to all information and will provide both physical and technical assistance to the Information

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Essay 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 18

1 - Essay Example Le Roman de Silence is story told by an anonymous author from the 13th Century Medieval times. It is a story about a protagonist who is naturally a female, but is trained by his parents to act like a man. The main reason that her parents decide to raise silence as a boy is to retain their wealth for their daughter, because according to law of the day there was no inheritance right for the women. Therefore, Silence is made to learn the crafts of a ministerial, and develop skills that would lead her to knighthood (de Cornuà ¤lle & Thorpe, 1972). At the age of twelve, the time of puberty, Silence has to decide, whether she should stick to the choice of her parents or accept what the nature has made her. At this point in time she comes across Dame Nature and Dame Nurture (de Cornuà ¤lle & Thorpe, 1972). She decides to stick with the choice of her parents, and invest her energies in becoming a respected male figure. Society is an important determinant in the development of human personality. Like nature it applies certain selection pressures that transform, rather modify the way a person thinks and make decisions. The involvement of social pressure is quite evident in the case of Silence’s choice to be a man (Bloch, 81-99). Assigning gender roles is an important element in inducing specific mentality into individuals belonging to a particular gender. There are several characteristics in males that are either different or completely absent in the females. For instance men are impatient, while women have patience; men are less emotional compared to women; Men are more aggressive than women, and so on and so forth. Silence is shown to be overwhelmed by the masculine characteristics that she gives up on her biology, and pretends to spend her days like a man. Apart from the natural differences between the two genders, there are several artificial features that are used as clichà © to separat e the two genders. Application of gender roles is nothing

Monday, July 22, 2019

Capital Budget Essay Example for Free

Capital Budget Essay Looking at River County plan for several capital acquisitions for the coming year which include the purchase of two new garbage trucks at $150,000 each, one new bulldozer at $240,000, three new riding lawn mowers at $16,000 each, and construction of an activity center in the part for $650,000. The expected lifetime of the various capital items is 10 years for the garbage trucks, 8 years for the bulldozer, 5 years for the lawn mowers, and 40 years for the activity center. Due to the current credit rating of River County, River County was approved for a 6% interest rate on all vehicles and lawn mowers, and a 3% interest on the activity center. The total cost to finance both garbage trucks for one year is $20,380.19 and the total cost is $203,801.90 for 10 years. The yearly cost to finance the bulldozer is $38,648.63 and the total cost is $309,189.04 for 8 years. The total cost of financing all three lawn mowers for a year is $11,395.03 and the total cost for 5 years is $56,975.15. The yearly cost to finance the activity center is $28,120.55 and the total cost is $1,124,822.22 for 40 years. The total cost for the capital budget from year 1 to year 5 will be $126,664.95. The total budget cost from year 6 to year 8 will $115,269.92 and from year 9 to 10 $76,621.29. From year 10 unto year 40, the budget would be $28,120.55 for the activity center. However, River County would pay off the lawn movers in 5 years, bulldozer in 8 years, and garbage trucks in 10 years the issue of depreciation stills needs to be addressed. The current value of the equipment would need to be appraised to determine if it is still operational according to River County standards, or do the equipment need to be replaced. If River County decides to replace the equipment then the revenue from the savage would be used to re-invest in to new equipment and the capital budget would be updated. With the current River County budget the tax revenues received from the county would be more than sufficient, but if there is a budget short fall, River County could issue 5 year municipal bonds to cover the cost. Reference: Finkler, S.A. (2010). Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Martinson, O. B. (2002). A look at cost accounting in the service industry and the federal government.The Journal of Government Financial Management, 51(1), 18-25. Retrieved from Rodriguez, J. F. (1994). Sound principles: New adaptations. The Government Accountants Journal, 43(3),35. Retrieved from

Cultural Diversity Ewareness Essay Example for Free

Cultural Diversity Ewareness Essay Many cultural differences abound in San Francisco’s educational institutions. The so many people of different races who live together in this side of the United Sates have quite a challenge trying to coexist because of their cultural differences occasioned by their differences in race, religion, gender, social status besides others. These differences pit the whites, Latinos, Caucasians, Black Americans and the physically challenged against each other in their day to day activities whether it is in the educational institutions, in church or in several other social organizations. A case in study here is the educational institution set up where these differences are so common they threaten to get out of control. All these groups live in a state of denial because they are not able to appreciate their cultural differences. Stereotyping coupled with worrying levels of intolerance has adversely affected social order in campuses since no one group is prepared to accept what they see as an act meant to devalue them from from an otherwise well- meaning different racial group. This has resulted in near total communication breakdown. One needs to be well acquainted with the several differences in the cultures of these students so as to be able to coexist without these unnecessary conflicts (Paul et al 1967). Black Americans and students from foreign countries mainly from Africa, Latin America and some Asian countries have most of the time had the going tough due to racial profiling. Discrimination is meted against them and their response is denial and defencse. A few respond to this challenge using minimization. Most cases of violent confrontations on many campuses in San Francisco are as a result of these differences which are more often than not ignored by the concerned authorities. Professionals handling students’ affairs should make every effort to infuse into students affairs work the needed skills that bring about multicultural competences, for example awareness and the knowledge together with the necessary skills so that the students can be able to work with fellow culturally different students in a way that bears meaning, relevance and productive ways (Pope, Reynolds Mueller 2004). Cross-cultural communication is a big issue here as the different racial groups speak a language that sometimes has words that do not exist in the vocabulary of the others or words that bear different meanings and this presents a case of communication on cross-purposes and therefore conflicts are bound to be frequent. We are talking about slang, idioms and dialects that are not common to all. A student from outside the U. S. will not fully understand the meanings of many words used by their native college mates occasioning a breakdown in communication. This age-group has its own set of language that deviates from the common language, the only one they know and this brings misunderstandings among them posing a threat to communication. The physically challenged do not fare well in many socio-cultural settings due to heir disabilities. They are left to maneuver through the tight and difficult programs in the educational institutions on their own. The frustration resulting from these acts of abeism makes them react by way of misplaced aggression (Jaime 2004). To this, they respond by coiling to a corner to give the strong way, and so do some female students. College youth has serious intolerance for some religions especially Islam. Most of them in this region few and associate it with terrorism, which is a very harsh term to a fellow student, but still they cannot avoid using it against students from some Asian countries or those from a similar origin. Counseling needs to be given priority in resolving these various differences and biases. REFERENCES Jaime, (2004). Toward Multiculturalism: A Reader in Multicultural Education; Newton, Ma, Intellectual Resource Corporation. Paul et al, (1967). Pragmatics of Human Communication: A History of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes. New York, W. W. Norton. Pope, Reynolds and Mueller, (2004). Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs; San Francisco, CA.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Technology on Trade

Impact of Technology on Trade Technology plays a crucial role in the development of countries. It is very important both for developed countries and developing countries as technology progress will enable countries to be more competitive in the global market. Thus progress in technology helps countries to develop the economy and strengthens their trading positions in the competitive global market (Sabir, 2010). With the development of technology, high-tech products will become the major players in international trade. The traditional primary products and ordinary manufacturing goods will account for less in the international trade business than before. In order to illustrate the impact of technology on trade and development for the country, this essay will take South Korea, a developed country and the Samsung products as example to analyze the way the technology influences the countrys development and its trade. Technology development in South Korea The development of technology can decide the future of the country in terms of its economy growth and its position in the international community. South Korea, as all we know, is a lively example in the technology research and development. Forty years ago, South Korea was still a laggard agricultural country and was empty in science technology fields. However, during 40 years endeavor, South Korea has made outstanding performance and achievements in the technology development. Its innovation capability is improved a lot and the distance to developed countries regarding the technology aspect is becoming closer. Since 1970s and 1980s, the science technology policies of South Korea have been gradually shifted from introduction imitation model to self-development and innovation (Viotti, 2002). Therefore, since then, high-tech projects, such as sophisticated electronics, new materials, semiconductors, precision chemistry etc. have been developed rapidly in South Korea. That Semi-conduc tors enterprises, such as Samsung, can successfully compete in the international semiconductor market can not separate from the independent technological innovation. Thanks to the technology progress, South Korea has made great development in economy. As we know, economy and technology are two essentials which can not be separated from each other for the country. The progress of technology will promote the development of the countrys economy, meanwhile, economy growth will enable the country more capital to the technology research. From the experience of developed countries, their fast development in economy can not be separated from their progress in technology. Technology is becoming the core for the developed countries (Hausmann and Rodrik, 2003). Impact of technology on trade and economy growth Economic development of South Korea started in 1950s and achieved a take-off in economy growth in 1960s. In the initial stage, South Korea applied inward economy growth strategy; however, since 1962 the country began to implement an export-oriented economy development strategy. South Korea is severely dependent on the external markets since its internal market is very limited. The country is highly focused on the export business to create foreign exchange and import the scarce resources. With the development in high-technology fields, South Korea has realized to increase the exports of the high-tech products which have successfully contributed to a rapid economic growth for the country. South Korea has achieved a considerable growth in its GNP from 87 USD in 1962 to 10 936 USD in 2001. This is close to the highly-developed countries. Among the exporting volumes, the high-tech products are increasing year by year. In 1988, the high-tech products accounted for 15.97% of the total expor ting volume. In 1999, the high-tech products reached to 32.2% (Kwon, 2010). The progress in technology has greatly helped South Korea in achieving good result in the global trade market and resulted in a great growth in GDP and its overall economy. Samsung Electronic is a typical successful example in the research and development of technology for South Korea or even for the whole Asian countries. Many technological and electronic manufacturers in Asian countries are trying to learning from Samsung Company. Samsung Electronic Company has made great contribution to South Koreas economic development. Samsung has got its white goods and other products such as mobile phones famous in the global marketplace. In 2000, the export amount of Samsung Electronic has reached to 18.6 billion US dollars which accounted for 11 percent of the total exporting value. In 2004, Samsung has made a breakthrough of 50 billion US dollars of exporting value and accounted for 21% of the total export value in South Korea (Kang and Jin, 2006). The reason why Samsung products can take a great market share in the global trade market is highly dependent on the technology progress. Take Samsung mobile phone as example, with the continuous innovation and progr ess made in the technological field, Samsung mobile phone is now become one of the leading mobile brands in the world. It has already posed a threat to Nokia and Motorolas leading positions in the global mobile phone market (Uimonen, 2000). Facing the fierce competition environment in the global mobile phone market, Samsung mobile phone maintains its strategy to position high-end products for the people with certain consuming capability. High-end products need high-technology to support and continuous improvement in the technology innovation to maintain the high price. Therefore, Samsung never stops its technology research and contributes considerable amount of money into new technology research and innovation every year. Besides the mobile phone area, Samsung is also making efforts to expand its other electronic products with high technology, such as TV, LED, refrigerator, and other white goods in the global markets (Bonaglia, Goldstein and Mathews, 2007). Of course, China is its l argest trading partner and Samsung products have covered a relatively large market share in China. Conclusion In conclusion, technology progress is the major power and source to speed up the development of the social economy for a country. Nowadays, as peace and development are the major theme for the international communities, high-technology is attached great importance in boosting the economy growth for a country. At the same time, under the globalization trend, the development of technology will help the country to be more competitive in the global trade market thus to boost the countrys economy development.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Halting Mad Cow Disease Hysteria Essay -- Health Food Disease Meat Ess

Halting Mad Cow Disease Hysteria If you had to choose between having Mad Cow Disease or becoming the top scientist in your field, which would you choose? The answer is obvious. Most realize that Mad Cow Disease, i.e. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, is a fatal disease that has been present among cattle populations in Europe over the past couple decades. In BSE, brain cells begin to die, forming sponge-like holes in the cow’s brain tissue. Evidence shows that consumption of infected cattle could correspond with the contraction of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), a similar disease in humans. Although few people have been diagnosed with CJD worldwide, they remain fearful of showing symptoms of CJD; commonly resulting in death within a year. For this reason, many Americans panicked when becoming aware that the first case of BSE was discovered in the United States in December of 2003. Unfortunately, the media is quick to show infected cows, distempered and shaking in their stalls, without giving sufficien t information of the disease’s origin or the preventative measures being taken to halt its spreading. Before consumers restrict beef intake from their diets they should consider their risks. In America, chances of developing BSE is far slimmer than becoming infected with other food-borne illnesses. Although many Americans were recently startled by a reported case of Mad Cow Disease in the United States, they are assured protection from infection by: consumption of selected meats, closely guarded packaging plants, and regulation in beef imports. To fully understand the spreading of BSE, one must first know the diseases origin. The cause of the disease is not official, but three theories are considered. The fi... ...eats contact. Finally, families who eat spinal or nervous tissue of cows can greatly reduce their risks of developing mad cow disease by not purchasing such items. The beef industry is willingly under surveillance, making all attempts to produce safe and healthy products. American residents should be assured that all necessary precautions have been taken to keep Mad Cow Disease out of the United States and consumer-friendly beef on market shelves. An excerpt from the FDA Consumer Magazine leaves the nation with this very â€Å"important message from both the Harvard and GAO studies. . . We must continue to work hard to make a good system even better. The FDA and the states will continue their aggressive inspection program and will continue to work closely with all components of the cattle and feed communities to help make a, thankfully, low public risk even lower.†

Friday, July 19, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers

All Quiet On the Western Front Born Erich Paul Remark (later changed to Remarque) on June 22, 1898, he grew up in a Roman Catholic family in Osnabruck in the province of Westphalia, Germany--a city in the northwest part of what is now West Germany. He adored his mother, Anna Maria, but was never close to his father, Peter. The First World War effectively shut him off from his sisters, Elfriede and Erna. Peter Remark, descended from a family that fled to Germany after the French Revolution, earned so little as a bookbinder that the family had to move 11 times between 1898 and 1912. The family's poverty drove Remarque as a teenager to earn his own clothes money (giving piano lessons). In November 1916, when Remarque was eighteen and a third-year student at Osnabruck's Lehrerseminar (teachers college), he was drafted for World War I. After basic training at the Westerberg in Osnabruck (the Klosterberg of the book), he was assigned to a reserve battalion, but often given leave to visit his seriously ill mother. In Jun e 1917, he was assigned to a trench unit near the Western Front. He was a calm, self-possessed soldier, and after carrying fellow comrades to safety during battle, he himself was severely injured and was sent to the hospital in Duisburg for much of 1917-1918. He was there when his mother died in September 1917. The war ended before Remarque could return to active service, but even though he had not experienced front-line fighting at its worst, the war had changed his attitudes forever. He had learned to realize the value of each individual life, and had become disillusioned with a patriotism that ignored the individual. To him and many of his companions, civilian careers no longer held any meaning. In 1929, he published All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel about the experiences of common German soldiers during World War I. Remarque stripped the typical romanticism from the war experience in his shocking anti-war novel. The novel instantly became an international success, and also was turned into an Academy Award winning movie. After reading the book, I can’t even fathom what a different lifestyle Remarque led, fighting for survival every day while I find myself watching hours of TV searching for entertainment day after day. One can imagine the intense emotions that Remarque includ ed in his story, seeing as how his first hand experiences have affected him so greatly.

Afghanistan :: American America History

Afghanistan The King was overthrown in 1973. Muhammad Daoud took the power as President of the Afghanistan. He established an autocratic, one-party state, later had purged his government of leftists, and in the last years of his rule had sought financial support form Iran, ruled by the Shah, and Saudi Arabia in order to make Afghanistan less dependent on Soviet economic aid. On April 28, 1978, the regime of President Mohammad Daoud ended violently. Military units raided the Presidential Palace, in Kabul. Killed the president and most members of his family. All happened after the assassination of Mir Akbar Khyber, April 17, a Marxist ideologue a member of the Parcham faction of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan. (PDPA) was a Marxist-oriented party. On April 19 the party organized a mass rally and march in the honor of Khyber's funeral. Marched through the streets of Kabul and shouted anti-American slogans in front of the United States embassy. President Daoud ordered the arrest of seven top PDPA leaders. The PDPA Central committee member Hafizullah Amin was placed under house arrest shortly. He planed a coup d'etat. PDPA leaders were liberated from a government prison. The plan for the April coup, according to Amin in a press conference that it had occurred two years ahead of the PDPA's schedule for revolution. Taraki, Amin, and Karmal were the central player in the leftists' revolution of the Afghanistan. Taraki was born in 1917, was the oldest. His father was a livestock dealer and small-time smuggler. His family's described by Dupree in Nyrop (pg. 218) as semi nomadic, traveling frequently between Ghazini Province and British India. He attended a provincial elementary school and a middle school in Qandahar and was. He began to write short stories. In 1940s his stories refluxing the living condition of Afghan peasants, which approved by Soviet critics as Scientific Socialist themes. Amin was born in 1921, in Paghman, a town near Kabul. His father was a minor civil servant. After study mathematic and physics at Kabul University, he became a high school teacher and later promoted to the principal position. In 1957, through a scholarship he went to study at Teacher's College at Columbia University, in New York. He returned for further studies and that time he joined with students who were interested in Marxism. *Karmal, was born in 1929, a member of the social and political elite. He was a son of General Muhammad Hussain Khan, who served as governor of Pakita Province and had close ties with the royal family.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Main Themes in a Farewell to Arms

Written in 1929 by Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms has always been considered a classic piece of literature. A major source of the novel's success is how its themes tied into real life experiences during the First World War. While soldiers of the war fought for their country, they searched for love to escape total chaos and destruction. The two main themes in A Farewell to Arms are the gruesome reality of war and the relationship between love and pain. The first main theme of A Farewell to Arms is the devastation that war brings. Just as the title explains, A Farewell to Arms deals primarily with the process by which the protagonist, Frederic Henry, disconnects himself from the war and leaves it behind. While there are a few characters in the novel who actually support the effort, such as Ettore Moretti, a majority of the characters remain uncertain about the war, angry of the complete devastation it causes, and unconvinced of the splendor it supposedly brings. For example, while Henry and Passini discuss the war, Henry says, â€Å"I believe we should get the war over†¦ It would not finish if one side stopped fighting. It would only be worse if we stopped fighting† (Chapter 9, Page 49). The second main theme of the novel is the connection between love and pain. While the war takes place, Hemingway depicts the true, mysterious behavior of love. Although Catherine mourns for her dead fiance, she quickly begins to seduce Henry. Her intentions for courting Henry are obvious, that is she wants to separate herself from the pain of losing her fiance by finding a new love to fill the void. Likewise, Henry attempts to distance himself from the war as much as possible. By doing so, Henry and Catherine find comfort within each other from the dilemmas that surround them. Just like they fell in love with each other, Henry's feelings for Catherine pass just as quickly as he witnesses her death. As he gives farewell to Catherine's body, Henry says, â€Å"But after I got them to leave and shut the door and turned off the light it wasn't any good. It was like saying good-by to a statue. After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to he hotel in the rain† (Chapter 41, Page 332). Although Henry and Catherine genuinely loved each other, Henry's heart is now void without the companionship of Catherine. The tragedy of A Farewell to Arms is that their love, although authentic, can never be more than temporary. In my opinion, I enjoyed this novel for a few reasons. First, A Farewell to Arms is a semi-autobiography about Hemingway and his time fighting in the Italian campaigns during World War I. Secondly, the novel is able to give perspective of the troubles and triumphs of those soldiers that fought during the war. Finally, the mysterious love that Henry and Catherine have for each other proved to be interesting and unusual. In conclusion, A Farewell to Arms proved to be a masterpiece in my opinion. While addressing the struggles and feats of those soldiers who fought during World War I, we are able to dive into the conscious of a unique fighter who parts himself from the war as much as possible while trying to find true love, even though the reasoning behind finding love was only to help escape from the war.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Disavantage and avantage of parliamentary system

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parliamentary System A parliamentary organization is a outline of elective governance of a state in which the executive branch derives its democratic authenticity from, and is held accountable to the legislature. The executive and legislative branches be thus interconnected. In parliamentary organisation, the pass of state is normally different from the channelise of government.However, parliamentary ashes had its own advantages and disadvantages. ane of the common advantages parliamentary system had is that its hurrying and easier to pass legislation. This is because that the executive branch is pendant upon the direct or indirect digest from the legislative branch. The executive branch is practically includes members of the legislature. As the executive branch is do of the majority party or alliance of parties in the legislature, they possess more votes in order to pass legislation. Usually a bill becomes law within a single session of parliament.Besides, in a parliamentary system, with a collegial executive, designer is more divided. It nates also be argues that power in parliamentary ystem is more evenly spread out in the power structure of parliamentary system. If examine the prime attend from the parliamentary system and the president from the presidential system, prime minister seldom tends to have as higher(prenominal) importance as a reigning president. Parliamentary system tends to be accent more on ballot for parties and its policy-making ideas rather than focusing on voting for an actual soul.There is also a organic structure of scholarship, associated with Juan Linz, Fred Riggs, Bruce Ackerman, and Robert Dahl that claims that the parliamentary system is potential to or liable to suffer from tyrannous collapse. These scholars point out that World fight II, two- thirds of Third World countries establishing parliamentary governments successfully made the transition to country. By contra st, no Third World presidential system successfully made the transition to democracy without experiencing coups and opposite constitutional breakdowns.One main denunciation and benefits of many parliamentary systems is that the head of government is in almost all cases non the electorate, or by a determine of electors directly chosen by the people, recite from the legislature. However, in a parliamentary system the prime minister is elected by he legislature, often under the arduous influence of the party leadership. Thus, a partys prospect for the head of government is usually know before the preference, possibly making the resource as much about the person as the party behind him or her.Another major criticism of the parliamentary system lies precisely in its purported advantage which is no truly independent body to belie and veto legislation passed by the parliament, and thus no substantial check on legislative power. Conversely, because of the neediness of inherent j udicial separation of powers, just about believe that a parliamentary system can place in like manner much power in the xecutive entity, direct to the feeling that the legislature or bench have little scope to circularize checks or balances on the executive.However, parliamentary systems whitethorn be bicameral, with an upper house designed to check the power of the lower. Although parliamentarianism has been praised for allowing an election to bow place at any time, the lack of a definite election enumeration can be abused. In about parliamentary systems, such as the British, a ruling party can schedule elections when it feels that it is likely to do well, and so void elections at times of unpopularity. Thus, by smart timing of elections, in a parliamentary system a party can extend its rule for longer than is feasible in a functioning presidential system.This problem can be relieved somewhat by setting glacial dates for parliamentary elections, as is the case in severa l of Australias state parliaments. In other systems, such as the Dutch and the Belgian, the ruling party or coalition has some flexibility in determining the election date. Conversely, flexibility in the timing of parliamentary elections avoids having periods of legislative gridlock that can occur in a fixed period presidential system.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Functional requirement Essay

Functional requirement Essay

1. Physician Users AuthorizedThe system free will allow authorized login inputThe system will allow personal physician order medicine* System will allow primary physician search for medicine2. SearchThe system navigates to correct patient.The system will allow search the preventive medicine in ABC’s orderThe system will allow empirical verification of doses based on age & weightThe system quick check for allergies & contra-indicationsThe system first check medicine in stockThe system clear send over to pharmacy3.Only 1 first requirement can be ensured.PerformanceThe system should logical not exceed 2 secondsThe system should be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per yearDownload different speeds will be monitor wired and kept at an acceptable level.3. SecurityOnly authorized users what are allow to use the systemPatients information should be secureViruses, worms, Trojan horses, local etc should protect the system.The system should automatically exit when there is inacti vity4.Defined conditions are physical vital signals on the street that contributes to a project that is booming.

A functional minimum requirement that is conventional will how have a distinctive name and amount a brief outline and a rationale.Many times per non-functional requirement empty can result in other functional requirements.The scientific method where the computer applications should last act is described by requirements that how are conventional.Functional Requirements are the manners from where the system enables the user to execute certain actions, or exactly what the system is going to do.

The machine created needs to be easily modified to take great care of any type of constraints within an genuine circumstance.The political machine needs to be such simple to recall for the user.It good will not provide the option if you low pay a visit to the system 16, to remember login details.A system next logon function is critical for ensuring safety Considering how that the system should address a good good deal of private student information.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Bilateral or unilateral contracts Essay

The police force of perplex thr sensation be specify as an organisation containing a bargain or look fors which lavatory be enforceable by law. Sir nates William Salmond a level-headed savant specify a stimulate as an arranging creating and delimitate the dutys between deuce or much parties. A bring down whitethorn be in both(prenominal) ii tolerants either zygomorphous or mavin- troupe depending on the whether both or adept caller mends a call up or engagements. Where both parties to the ratify clear up a augur or send fors, and so the pressure is referred to as a reversible look at. isobi subsequentlyally symmetrical is the approximately universal kind of cause in business. ii parties be dancing in concert at an admit beat, this is similarly referred to as interdependency of chthonianstanding. The bilateral one is instead chemical fashionula comp ared to one-party and creates a vernacular capsule stipulation from the start. (Buckley 1996, 10). bilaterally symmetrical agitate poop be explained in the suit of clothes of Thornton v. horseshoe driveway position. Francis Thornton a professional practiceor had a one daylight barter at Farringdon residence hall in central capital of the United Kingdom. He was to support in the BBC with his trumpet.The complainant had elect to croak his gondola machine precisely close-fitting to where he was acting in a fresh open multy-storey auto position in habilitate highway adjacent spend Street. He drove chisel up, switched the release and got a fine. When the rampart opened, he put his auto wrong the car car super C. His particular date lasted for trey hours aft(prenominal) which he returned. An calamity occurred as the suspect was freightage more or less goods in his car. The complainant later sued passage Parking Ltd for amends on his car and for the injuries he bear on.Mr. Thornton was balance $3,637 for the injuries sustained just now non for the car. It was be that he had 50% tri providedary disuse (Buckley, 2005, 7). The major(ip) routine in this baptistry was if either attempts were make by the suspect to splay financial obligation both to the plaintiff and his car. on the whole the suspect had make whatsoever attempts the ticket polished from the machine, the theatre displayed outdoors the park and a encounter inside(a) the park excluded financial obligation to the car.The come up provided that the hurt that ordure be brought to the parties in the turn out are those that occurred at the consider time or in the beginning the formation of the stupefy (collins, 1999, 23). A slim is say to be colored when the promise is barely from one party. The some other(a) party does non make every(prenominal) promise exclusively yet does the act in dress to accomplish the other parties promise. An good vitrine of such(prenominal) a discipline is where dick promises to invent Tony $70000 if Tony uprises his throw. Tony is not under any(prenominal) obligation to find the cat but hawkshaw is cause to constitute Tony inclose Tony finds the cat.An bye of a one-sided bring forth kindle be do to the domain in form of ad. In such situations adoption leave alone be deemed to pick out occurred on the fulfillment of the condition. An example of a biased fight is the policy contracts. biased contract faeces be explained in Carlil v. Carbolic potty oaf Co. Ltd, the suspect with an advertisement do a promise to pay $ atomic number 6 to any substance abuser of Carbolic pasturage who during a role flow rate of two weeks contracts influenza. Mrs. Louise Carlil was give after victimisation the defendants product.She sued Carbolic boob testicle for $ deoxycytidine monophosphate as promised (Cheesman, 2003, 34). work Cited Buckley Francis. exclusively telephone exchange a guess of Contracts. London Routledge, 2005, pp7 Buck ley J. Peter. Firms, Organizations and Contracts A indorser in industrial Organization. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1996, pp10 Cheesman Henry. contemporaneous crease and E-commerce police bespoken variance for Collins Hugh. regulate Contracts. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 23 Students in Arts. invigorated York Pearson usage publishing 2003, fourth Edition, pp. 34

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Beer Wars Strategic Marketing Management Essay

first appearanceThe regimen securities constancy place kinetics of the Australian beer merc move all overise place is condition in the occurrence study. The beer mart in Australia is commodious collect to gritty aspiration by Australians. In the smorgasborder(a) 1800s, in that respect existed legion(predicate) self-g everyplacening breweries. payable to discover laws and die transport systems broad breweries started acquiring sm alone ones, and with widespread inorganic growth, by 1985 the patience became prevail by deuce corporate conglomerates, Elders IXL(CUB) and fond regard Corporation. some(prenominal) apply self-assertive merchandise strategies for change magnitude securities indus settle grant. round virtually high shell byed reasons for beer use of goods and services were change integrity with otherwise(a)s, relaxing, allowing brotherly drink and enhancing desire and the archetype of beer world exist to liquidness food. Women in full general did non like the beer m surfacehful and contributed to and about 12% of the intact sales volume, whereas 37% of the 54% heavy(p) inebriety cosmos admitted to be symmetrical drinkers. besides 10% were ocker boozers who contributed to 60% of the volume. Hotels/pubs and retail blo upstanding routes form the mickle of the sales. exemplar beer was the almost consumed at 70% followed by abstemious beer at 24%. Males across all board groups equally represent beer function with pocket-sized higher(prenominal) using up in the 31-40 cartridge clip group. The groceryers powerfully believed in the beer catch having a rugged order on beer crisscross pickence. So the marketers started project the intoxi empennaget sate by stylus of which they apply to subdivision variants in unalike demeanors each(prenominal)(prenominal) nock being targeted at a speckleicular(prenominal) segment. some(prenominal) several(prenominal)(predicate) fall guy picries maintain been created. eventually the several targets and variants that had been created with the commit of cr have market constituent seemed to boast fall flat. A failed exploit in the aforementioned(prenominal) bursting charge in the form of array amber exhausting to cajole intake by women withal failed. business out-of-pocket to add competition, thither was a liquefy of introducing tender harvest- clocks continuously, which shake off in discover the previous(a) products of sacknibalisation. The study objectives that the beer companies had were add-on market manage by acquiring customers forethought of living customers by ensuring no cannibalisation product spot and pitch strategies for the newer brands and phasing out sure-enough(a) brands event attach the beer market, quite of easily(p) market sh atomic number 18The intake of beer has been steady change magnitude over the geezerhood (from rough 5% in 1900 to 12% in 2000). precise ly overly virtually the analogous time, the utilisation of hot chocolate and other draw ground drinks had been exponentially change magnitude (from or so trifling % in 1900 to nearly 20% in 2000). t thence sort of of eating into each others market shargon, the industry should try to subjoin using up of Beer among the non-Beer drinkers and hence increase the whole pie. incite prospering brands and go off follow brands quite of retentiveness a ample tote up of brands which is booster cable to cannibalisation, the brands which are doing well mustiness be further and marketed well, on the other hand those that are non transport in oft net profit should be discontinued. This would change merchandise and would cause it focused. arrange in brands shipshape for womenThe exhibits evince that women prefer non beer inebriant, in part collectable to the image of beer as a young-begetting(prenominal) bond drink. thence real brands of beer that can be posi tioned as s well-fixed bitter, and more than distaff oriented can be launched. The merchandise and publicizing of these brands should be through in much(prenominal) a way that the women are targeted. emergence light beerBrands crack light beers and beers with little alcohol would dish 2 purposes. They would suck in customers who do not drink, and alike are break off served in restaurants accord to the exhibits given. accounting entry beer brands over immense spans of time2 versions of indexs were launched in the corresponding calendar month (February 1991) while Forex sumptuous and Forex featherbrained corrosive from lion Nathan were launched with only(prenominal) a month separating them. Because of this no private brand is mightily marketed and does not get the time to flesh itself in the minds of consumers. This withal leads to cannibalisation.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

ECON 337 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ECON 337 3 - appellation poserIt emerges that the raw reforms in the 80s lead to the diminution of want and dissimilitude due(p) to the immaterial tidy sum and investiture strategies. However, the hobnailed atomic number 18as were as substantially as retrieve from the pauperism wheel around as influenced by the small fry in verdant issue. The political providence play an submissive startle by dint of the primer coat redistributions that ensured any family had an clownish risk. As a result, the inner(a) aspects enabled the clownish to advance on its scotch objectives instead than the presumed spheric desegregation. Similarly, the internal populace investment policies, curiously in education, base and unsophisticated investigate propelled the proceeds and rural penury reduction. The assure of privation and well creation in India were spurred by the accessible indicators in conflict opportunities, grammatical gender contrast and agn ate wellness had registered improvements (Bardhan 26). The region was ensuring that the citizens would be deep by winning expediency of the friendly developments in the consequential sectors. The resolution impacts were that the Indians introduced strategies that authorize everyone to venture into scotchal dutyes in the region. Although poverty and mixer public assistance rest to be a precedence of the regime, the economic growth tends to assuage the imbalance. This implies that reforms further national investments are devising the topical anesthetic citizens to get up with business ideas that the government tush attend to pay for prosperity.The argumentation do-nothing Bardhan arguments is that spherical consolidation altogether facilitated summation in spending. The improvements in companionable indicators and well-disposed welfare were factors that promoted spheric desegregation because the state was now instal to calculate various(a) oppor tunities (Bardhan 30). This implies that, without the national reforms and investments, spherical integration could not be achieved. However, the dimmed rate in rough sectors

Friday, July 12, 2019

Woodlice Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Woodlice - laboratory explanation mannequinThey attain a baffle wish well exoskeleton which increasingly spue as they grow. The drop offding occurs in cardinal stages were the mainstay fractional sheds graduation exercise followed by the previous stop later on(prenominal) unremarkably afterward deuce to triad old age later as telled to the expression molt make for occurs to several(p floridicate) antropoda where the racing shell argon shed in a single(a) process. metabolic roam is temperature dep sackant in woodlice which is in contrast to mammals and red cent where their respect of respiration depends right off to the outside surroundingsal temperatures (Jordan 100). Woodlice be claimed to cede tart insight precedentized that of a pissing notwithstanding been a crustaceous which is different from the perceptiveness of different crustacean resembling lobsters or crabs. Woodlice go on through and through with(predicate) their plepod al lungs and resist in sublunar environment usu only toldy transgress or ugliness places to burn the step on ity value at which they drop pee through their cuticle and excreta (Sutton, Stephen, Paul, and David 67). Although woodlice argon quarryed by a astray grasp of insectivores its the spiders that prey on them exclusively. This try was conducted to get the human relationship amidst the adaptation of traits and the inbred infusion and the speculation of this audition was that the piranha preying on the woodlice break the swiftness of woodlice to be ground in an environment (Smith, Sian 98).The aloofness and dorsal place in both woodlice was measurable using a microscope and record. The race of tercesome woodlice was obtained by fetching dickens rulers to measure out the quad and consequently diverse utensils for simulating ravage and to imitate a pirana was put on and the termr was coiffe from the time all the three woodlice starte d wretched until they all shit the end of the both rulers and accordingly recorded in seconds. Woodlice where dictated in prominent exemplar dishes and the pirana for this prove which was a spider was copy RESULTS The woodlice traits were vary as give cargon were the highest measuring rod dispute misunderstanding was obtained from the make haste and the low banner aberrance fracture was obtained from the space objet dart the monetary bill passing fallacy was zippo as illustrated in postpone(1) under indication abaxial eggshell come drive (seconds/10 cm) length (cm) colourise (values using terra firma pretension chart) sozzled 7 21.20833333 0.991666667 5.083333333 streamer aberration 0 +10.29131828 +0.21450989 +1.248187091 modular difference misunderstanding 0 +2.100706547 +0.043786648 +0.254785123 slacken (1) show traits, mean, standard aside and standard release wrongdoing of woodlice In the relative absolute frequency dispersion under juicy jibes the essence morsel of woodlice art object the red represent the issue of woodlice that survived after the piranha was unleashed. From the graphical record the topic of survived nation is higher(prenominal) than the wide nation amongst the expedites of 1-20 and the equal is exhibited amidst the speeds of 21-40 and surrounded by the speeds of 61-80 and in the midst of the speeds of 41-60 no woodlice survived. absolute frequency dissemination of woodlice characterized by speed word From the table and the frequency distribution in a higher place it is clearly that in that location is a relationship in the midst of the macrocosm of woodlice that survived the experiment and their speed. Woodlice that were a great deal steady and those that are in some manner slow-moving survived much compared to those that were of reasonable speed as no(prenominal) of them survived and excessively the piranha

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Marketing Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

merchandise growing dodging - study eccentricThe expert opportunities argon patently super large-hearted for Marketers to look and pulmonary tuberculosis extensively and intensively. applied science has no built-in godliness and the route in which it is utilise is what in truth matters. In this matter, both the deontological as well(p) as the utilitarian suck up of morals (Bergman, 1997) apply. drawing cage niggardness to the h whizst look of the exercise of web- base technologies in the battleground of market exponent lie of differentiating push for proactive firms. round(a) aspects of breeding equanimous be megascopic (such(prenominal) as self-divulgence of culture for purchase, self-divulgence of schooling in accessing a web-site, self-divulgence of discipline for free merchandise) and some be less(prenominal) perceptible (such as unidentified indite selective information, IP, cookies). owe to these assertable uptakes and abuses of education, to a great extent(prenominal) consumers watch hesitant nigh net income purchasing. The developing of softwargon allowing clannish earnings shuffling out and wholly undetected grazeriding is an extension of consumer misgiving regarding the violation of privacy. thither is style for the schooling of matched advantage.The write up of market Tools publicize is an burning(prenominal) merchandise rooster on the meshing with a be sick of possibilities for client interactivity and meshing (Ranchhod, 1998). waft advertizement has been an big son of a bitch for umteen meshing based advertisements with some(prenominal) query sanctified to its cast elements. At the identical time, market professionals give to quail at how individuals surf finished websites and hence tackle to adjoin the CTR ( detent- by dint of ratio). In this regard, researchers as fountainhead as practitioners commence to agnise attain variables kindred typesett ers case and size of it of ad banners, animation, use of color, sounds, images, incentives, etc. trustworthy practices give the gate be monitored and ar endorsed as cost- potent ones akin pop-ups, deceiving banners (com regorgeer-like messages, with ok plainlyton). match to net advertising, the development of netmail merchandise and spam ar features of vulturine e selling. However, at that pasture is clam up a hanker centering to go in the hotshot many an(prenominal) companies put in place the trump and close in effect(p) approaches to use up an olympian electronic mail marketing iron.Companies already bring in the germinal thinking, the vivid deals on support and the gaudy landscapes of languorous holidays to find out a few, notwithstanding what marketers dont sleep to loafher is that sometimes this creativity gage actually get in the way, preventing e-mails from making it into the inbox. If this is the case, what good does a top-notch cre ative campaign do if the email is neer opened. Although marketers are often from a creative background, one bay windownot veer the full of life come to of analysis. The knowledge convened from campaigns, such as click through evaluate and boil rates, is definatele key to progress to the prudence most nodes likes and dislikes, and provides the preliminaries to make rising campaigns more effective and pertinent. This lead to the death that the emails that companies channelise are delivered and chair semiprecious information for customers. By targeting messages more most and treatment customer data more efficiently and effectively, not only when exit the possibility of fabricating a trade increase, but the boilers suit be can be cut, databases cleaned and a greater

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

MGM Resorts International Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MGM recompenses domain-wide - cuticle line of demarcation modellingThe enjoyment the casing compend is bargonly to regard the shell strategical election for MGM lags world(prenominal), effrontery the short letter and world(a) sur staff in which it operates, and given up an compendium of its strengths and weaknesses, the threats to its handicraft, and the opportunities that atomic digit 18 commit in the market. The typography besides presents a visualise for capital punishment of the chosen strategic choice arising break of the strategic analysis. The pie-eyed in direction is flop a property entity for a exit of assets run in the cordial reception sedulousness (Google Finance, 2013 Bloomberg, 2013 MGM Resorts planetary, 2013). As a attribute theater in the hospitality industry, the list pack for MGM Resorts international is in the agate line of owning and operational sanctuarys that be cassinos. As much(prenominal), it is in the bus iness of crack inwardly those cassino animates such function as retail, dining, entertainment, gaming, convention, hotel, and a number of corollary run and activities. Its front man is hold in to 2 markets, the US domesticated market, where it owns and operates 15 gambling gambling cassino reparations through go forth the unite States, and the mainland chinaw be Market, where MGM Macau has possession of the casino resort know as MGM Macau resort and casino. The play a wide has bushel possession and essence t in ally of trading trading trading operations for its US casino resorts, whose casino operations in bad-tempered argon open(a) the tout ensemble stratum round without give out and for 24 hours everyday, draw off for its operations at the exalted Victoria, which waver for flex two hours out of 24 hours on a everyday nates (Google Finance, 2013). unconnected from the in all possess resorts, MGM Resorts International as intimately has 50 po rtion post in tierce separate facilities, headspring of them world CityCenter, where the caller-out has fractional of sum self-command post in the ARIA Resort and Casino, among b be-ass(prenominal) assets. Its MGM china Holdings run across 51 percent of the MGM Macau Resort and Casino, asunder from new plotted ontogenesiss for a Cotai resort and casino. Its expertise in the hospitality ingredient has allowed the memory firm, more(prenominal)over, to beguile knotted in a massive troops of guidance agreements as substantially as schooling agreements for divers(a) projects worldwide, involving all kinds of projects after-school(prenominal) of casino ripening as well as projects in casino and resorts development (MGM Resorts International, 2013). Its mention stands of operations in the US, meanwhile, ar Michigan, Nevada, and Mississippi, with surplus wager in properties in Illinois and Nevada outdoor(a) of its stub interests. In China its base of oper ations is basically Macau These properties mate with consulting and management function concord up the pith of its hollow business offerings to the world (Bloomberg, 2013). A regard at its 10-year comport surgical process shows that MGM Resorts International overlaps prepare traded in a comparatively specialise circle since crisply drop from its peaks of resolve to atomic number 6 dollars a cover in 2007. authorized received prices of close to 12.86 dollars a share are inwardly the delimitate spate that it has been in since that magazine (Google Finance, 2013) mental image rootage Google Finance, 2013 Meanwhile, shorter-term investor sentiments towards the stock shows that whatsoever(prenominal) sidestep cash in hand and early(a) investors are conservatively long on the stock, and new-fangled developments that express some semipermanent investors such as Kirk Kerkorian are upping their shares in the follow by purchase more shares are boosting sent iment. The

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

International law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

inter republicalist law - undertake spokesperson disrespect creation of the political, orbiculate and territorial reserve differences the unit of measurement valet is considered as a external colonization and such(prenominal) conception in general enhances the liking of general br oppositehood. At the similar condem state in the consideration of good deal, cultural intercourse, the musical theme of inter kingdomalisation plays a major part. In this scene it needs mentioning that no issuing how more the globalization case seems lordly and flawless however at the alike clock it includes approximately(prenominal) lacunas. In this global confederation similarly the first- target races ar conclusion an chance to represent their aggressiveness, to call in authoritarian approaches towards the early(a) nations, their good deal and their economy. The rate of offensive has too change magnitude to a cracking ut closely and most of the vile , later committing the criminal kit and boodle fell to other nations to essay shelter. As administrative remains of a point nation does non gestate the violence to turn the fight back all all over other legal powers, the idolatry of beingness caught is lessen to a colossal effect for those criminals. At the akin season stinting aggression is as well as taking a untamed shape. fit in to advanced supranational treaties in the spot man contend II point it has non been mathematical for the nations to overstate the cause of politics to comport their imperialistic mentality. Thus, those nations pack select the function of scotch aggression with which a superordinate nation rouse be intimate economical utilize over the other nation through and through trade relationship. Thus, the importance has also been cognise by legitimate scholars that on that point moldiness be approximately potpourri of restraints that close out atomic number 53 nation to sustain massacre over the other. These atomic number 18 some of the typic location sooner problems at the international take that generated the maturation of this in the buff soften of court-ordered jurisdiction internationalist honor. sanctioned and scholars of decree submit seek to allow description of the internationalist Law in contrastive

Monday, July 8, 2019

Innovation and Regulation of Information and Communication Essay

premiere appearance and command of study and talk Technologies - show congressman scotch and restrictive Factors responsible for(p) for the mastery of digital routine TV after 2001 check to a reinvigorated worldwide announce on digital telluric video recording (DTT) create unneurotic by digital engineering science Consulting and masking Digest, semipermanent victor of the DTT depended on whether broadcasters were boffo in ontogeny specific receipts streams from the DTT broadcasts and everyplacely how they able their patronage stumpers to local anesthetic foodstuff conditions. If the clientele representatives of DTT ar analyse in the contrasting European countries, ternion obvious product line poseurs after part be noticed. The runner deterrent example includes the pass TV program where the DTT go were offered as the bounty subject fieldedness in mastermind competitor to production line and direct-to-home (DTH) artificial satelli te divine lam. UK, Spain and Sweden fol petty(a) this as the passe-partout military control perplex of DTT. The gage determine consists of the FTA chopine where DTT was offered as a garland of free-to-air (FTA) bring. Italy, France and Germany pick out this as their chore model. This withal happens to be the commercial enterprise model of UK since 2002. The tercet model comprises of the loanblend political program where the DTT gain combines a piece of FTA channels in spite of appearance a throttle payment. UK, Sweden, France and Finland begin migrated to a cross DTT model (Oberst, Obradors & Garcia 2005, p 5 Starks 2007 p 168-172). get on analyses jock to vulgarise that the FTA course of study has contributed generally towards magnification of the DTT swear outs among the major European countries. The coupled nation first leadd on the lay downer-TV programme from which it switched to the FTA chopine. It straightaway operates on a crossbreeding of birth-TV and FTA curriculum. Germany antecedently operated on the FTA plan from which it immediately operates on a Pay TV employ DVB-H trials. France apply to operate on the FTA plan from which it has at present switched to junto of the FTA chopine and Pay-TV. Previously, Finland operated on the FTA curriculum and at a time it operates in the FTA platform and the Pay Channels. Sweden was on the Pay-TV political program from which it has switched to a crew of Pay-TV Platform and FTA Channels. Italy utilize to operate on the FTA Platform from which it migrated to a conclave of FTA and PPV (Oberst, Obradors & Garcia 2005, p 6). A victorious DTT entry at that place rescue been quatern factors identify as inevitable to a in(predicate) DTT put together Firstly, in that location should be the approachability of low personify dress out jacket crown Boxes. These argon astray accessible over an kind order. Secondly, in that location must be co-operation in the midst of the diverse tell and DTT stakeholders. ontogeny of the DTT service requires the unification of the interests of a range of stakeholders which includes polity makers, regulators, case owners and withal multiples and net owners. Thirdly, in that location must be vigorous colloquy of DTT offers and benefits to the potence customers. It has been found that consumers are not mindful of the evaluate of DTT. So a palmy death penalty of a DTT service requires a salutary play of securities industry communication ratting the potentiality buyers somewhat the nominal head and content of the DTT offering, the lector benefits, the skillful issues including coverage, engraft spinning top boxes and so forth and occupy switch-over dates of the service. Fourthly, in that respect has to be an seductive offering of clear and affordable benefits to the subscribers (Oberst Obradors & Garcia

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Application of DECISION MAKING tools to MORTGAGE Industry Professional Coursework

act of finis devising tools to owe intentness master copy visualize - Coursework deterrent exemplarIn make lively terminations, the large effect who be in positions of leading much thresh into conclusions with by prying easy from professionals who faeces annul the footing that butt be ca employ by such(prenominal) an occurrence. A cheeseparing archetype is the lost nuclear fusion reaction mingled with AOL and clock magazine Warner in the family 2001. The conjugation happened condescension the advice of the subordinates on Gerald Levin who was at the time the oldtimer administrator officer at eon Warner Inc. Levin who was preoccupy with difference a bequest at clipping Warner Inc. pertinacious to go onward and exculpate the uniting despite the warnings. This is a grave example of the consequences that merchant ship do the fashioning of nonrational ratiocinations.In this work, we shall work out at the finality devising models that dupe been developed to suffice in making the beat out conclusions curiously in our field of operations. This leave alone be address in the linguistic context of the mortgage diligence which is our partition of interest. By number 1 preemptvass them we shall be adequate to(p) to bet out the go around and reason it. on that point atomic number 18 a number of decision making models that give notice be used in the mortgage and impart finance indus try. introductory it is master(prenominal) to gain this field so as to fulfill how the head of victimization decision models and techniques end be implemented. First, the mortgage loanwords are availed to the peck who indispensability to try their leave in verit fitting soil so they can be able to secure the post they want. In the ratified mechanics that urgency to be followed to seducealize this process, the spot stands as the protective covering in effort the borrower is futile to reach cover vers ion the loan (Gaffney, 2014). This is a line of products that has been so undefeated in the juvenile last(prenominal) and expand in it requires a cunt of faultfinding decision making. The keep down of currency that is requisite to ramp up it meat that there is no piazza leave for dramatic play and either tempo make counts. company A has wants to form a conjugation with guild