Monday, October 7, 2019

Software evaluation Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Software evaluation - Thesis Example laces of education, computers are used and the basic applications that are used in educational institutions are the applications of MS Office (Roblyer 2005). For creating a document, MS Word is used, for calculation and listings, MS Excel is used, for making presentations, MS PowerPoint is used, for sending email, MS Outlook is used and for generating a database, MS Access is used (Mendelson 2006). All the mentioned applications are part of the MS Office package that is mostly used in educational institutions to accommodate the students with all kinds of knowledge that they are going to encounter in their professional lives. With the improvement of technology, the applications of MS Office are made better and new applications are introduced in the MS office package due to which, many tasks related to documentation, calculation, information gathering, information sending, record keeping and many other tasks are becoming much easier to perform. At educational level, the teachers and the administration staff has to consider various issues concerning the education of students. The teachers are required to develop a strategy for the students so that they can get the best kind of education with all the latest technology (Software Evaluation Sheets 1985). For educational purposes, the administrative staff along with the teachers should choose suitable software for the students that should be taught to them (Roblyer 2005). MS office is such software that is very significant on educational level and the teachers should select this software for the educational purpose (Squires and McDougall 1994). The package of MS office contains MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint and MS Outlook that are employed on educational level generally. The package contains more applications but at educational level, only the applications that are mentioned above are employed by students, teachers and other related people (Ivers 1997). All of the applications of MS office accommodate

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